
New idea on decentralized identity and truth (Re: Numerifides)

New idea on decentralized identity and truth (Re: Numerifides)

Original Postby Tyler H

Posted on: June 7, 2018 08:45 UTC

The proposal is to add a feature to the Lightning Network where any node can be queried for a mapping along with fulfilling a Lightning payment request.

The idea is that important mappings will be paid for, while unimportant ones won't. Longer paths or more queries will cost more, and each query of the mapping will cost 1 satoshi per query for decentralized, trusted hosting of data mappings. The database could be shared among nodes for a price, where a Lightning node can offer to store data per hour and the person who wishes for redundancy can pay a Lightning invoice and provide the data. This data wouldn't have to be encrypted or private since it can be publicly queried. Feedback is appreciated.