
Silent Payments: Light Client Protocol

Silent Payments: Light Client Protocol

Original Postby setavenger

Posted on: May 22, 2024 12:50 UTC

The discussion revolves around optimizing client interaction with blockchain data, specifically focusing on reducing bandwidth while ensuring clients have the necessary information for transaction verification and spending.

BlindBit proposes a method that emphasizes efficiency by potentially integrating a taproot filter in contrast to the conventional BIP158 filters, although concrete data comparing the bandwidth impact of both approaches is pending.

The conversation touches upon the strategy of fetching simplified Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) to facilitate scanning with labels, which implies accessing transaction outputs directly. This approach contrasts with downloading full blocks upon detecting relevant transactions, which, while providing comprehensive transaction details, could result in unnecessary bandwidth usage due to the inclusion of extraneous information. The goal is to streamline the data provided to light clients, allowing them to find and spend transactions with minimal parsing and processing effort.

Moreover, the use of a specific data structure over the term "simplified UTXOs" is suggested, highlighting its purpose to contain all essential information for identifying and utilizing a UTXO effectively. The discussion also addresses the provision of tweak data alongside filters to clients, noting that, except in testnet scenarios with frequent absence of tweaks, combining these elements could enhance efficiency. This adjustment aims at eliminating redundant steps and consolidating data delivery to clients, particularly in mainnet operations where both tweaks and filters are typically relevant.