
Should Graftroot be optional?

Should Graftroot be optional?

Original Postby Tim Ruffing

Posted on: June 6, 2018 12:48 UTC

In a Bitcoin-dev email thread, Pieter Wuille discusses the Graftroot proposal and its potential practical implications.

One issue with Greg Maxwell's argument is highlighted, which suggests that Graftroot delegation is not "strictly less powerful" than using a normal transaction. This is because Graftroot enables delegation in a way that cannot be fixed in the chain. By defining the semantics such that () is allowed, calling g-sig a "Graftroot transaction", and giving it transaction semantics, the proposal can become more optimized while still maintaining privacy. It is suggested that g-sig only needs to be a full transaction if it's used standalone as in (), but if we want to have g-script --g-sig--> script1 ---tx2---> script2 (which should be the common case) then just the bare signature and script1 would suffice, as in the original Graftroot proposal.