
B'SST: Bitcoin-like Script Symbolic Tracer v0.1.2 released

Posted on: May 12, 2024 19:16 UTC

The email discusses proposed modifications to the execution path notation in the B'SST report, aimed at improving readability and comprehension.

Previously, the format for representing execution paths was less intuitive and straightforward. For example, it used a syntax that included markers like IF, NOTIF, and IFDUP without clear indications of their conditions or outcomes. Specifically, the old format listed conditions and their truth values in a compact, code-like manner without much explanation.

The proposed new format seeks to clarify these execution paths by explicitly stating the condition being tested (wit0, wit1, wit2), its expected value, and the corresponding operation (IF, NOTIF, IFDUP). This is done in a more verbose and human-readable way, such as "When wit0 = 1 :: [IF @ 0:L1]" which makes it easier to understand the logic flow at a glance. This change aims to make the report more accessible to users by using a syntax that more closely resembles natural language descriptions while retaining technical precision.

Further details about this proposed change, including its implementation and how it can be tested, are available on GitHub. The sender encourages feedback on this modification either directly via email or through comments on the GitHub pull request, indicating a collaborative approach to refining the tool's usability. Interested individuals are invited to review the changes and test them against their scripts to assess the improvement in readability and ease of comprehension. The relevant information and resources for this proposal can be found at this link.