
Constellation - a high performance Lightning-based L3. Feedback wanted

Constellation - a high performance Lightning-based L3. Feedback wanted

Original Postby ion_minus

Posted on: April 11, 2024 09:54 UTC

The concept discussed revolves around the potential development and implementation of an L3 system named Constellation, which aims to significantly enhance the current landscape of layer 2 (L2) solutions such as Lightning and Ark.

The ambition behind Constellation is to create a system capable of abstracting and managing all existing and future L2 solutions. This approach proposes a unified platform that would eliminate the need for L2 systems to interoperate at a peer level, streamlining their integration and usage.

Furthermore, while there is a personal aversion towards the inclusion of trusted mints within the system, it is acknowledged as a viable design choice. This inclusion caters to users who prefer or require trusted mints, indicating a flexible and accommodating design philosophy for Constellation. The system's overarching goal appears to be the simplification and enhancement of the user experience within the blockchain ecosystem, by providing a robust framework that can adapt to and incorporate new developments in L2 technology.