
Adding New BIP Editors

Adding New BIP Editors

Original Postby Ava Chow

Posted on: April 20, 2024 21:37 UTC

In a recent exchange, the complexity and extensive nature of an ongoing discussion within the Bitcoin development community were brought to light.

The dialogue, spanning over two months and encompassing more than eighty emails, underscores the challenges in maintaining clarity and consensus in such a vibrant and distributed group. Amidst this backdrop, Steve Lee sought to clarify misconceptions regarding the involvement and conditions under which certain individuals would contribute as BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal) editors.

Steve Lee expressed his diligent effort to comprehend the full scope of the conversation, highlighting his recent review of the archive in search of specific claims related to compensation for BIP editors, particularly focusing on Kanzure. Despite his thorough search, Lee found no evidence supporting the assertion that Kanzure had stipulated payment as a precondition for his editorial role. This prompted Lee to request any overlooked proof from his peers, indicating his openness to correction and his commitment to factual accuracy.

Further, Lee referenced a proactive step he took by reaching out directly to key figures within the community, including Kanzure and Ruben, to ascertain their positions and willingness to contribute to the BIP process. He noted similar outreach efforts to Jonatack and Murch, whose public affirmations of participation rendered additional disclosure unnecessary. This initiative not only reflects Lee's dedication to constructive dialogue but also showcases the behind-the-scenes work often required to facilitate collaboration in decentralized projects.

The documentation of these exchanges, accessible through a provided link, offers valuable insights into the operational dynamics of the Bitcoin development community. It highlights the importance of clear communication, the need for individual initiative in addressing misunderstandings, and the collective effort to ensure the integrity and progression of Bitcoin's technical evolution.